Range Rover: Checking the coolant level
Running the engine without coolant will cause serious engine damage.
The coolant level in the expansion tank should be checked at least weekly (more frequently in high mileage or arduous operating conditions). Always check the level when the system is cold.
Ensure the coolant level remains between the COLD FILL RANGE indicator marks located on the side of the expansion tank. Ignore any coolant visible in the top section of the tank If coolant/steam is expelled from the pressure cap, or the level has dropped suddenly, or by a large amount, arrange for the vehicle to be examined by a qualified technician as soon as possible.
Topping up the oil
Your vehicle warranty may be invalidated if damage is caused by using oil that does not meet the required specification. Failure to use an oil that meets the required specification could cause exce ...Topping up the coolant
WARNING Never remove the filler cap when the engine is hot - escaping steam or scalding water could cause serious personal injury. Avoid spilling antifreeze onto a hot engine - a fire may res ...See also:
EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature (third rowof seats)
Important safety notes
To help avoid personal injury, the second-row
seat backrests must be properly locked either
in the upright position or, when using the
expanded cargo vo ...
Important safety notes
DSR is an aid to assist you when driving
downhill. It keeps the speed of travel at the
speed selected on the on-board computer.
The steeper the downhill gradient, the greater
the DSR braking eff ...
Storing the current speed or calling upthe last stored speed
The set speed stored in memory should only
be set again if prevailing road conditions and
legal speed limits permit. Possible
acceleration or deceleration differences
arising ...