Infiniti QX: Speedometer and odometer
The speedometer indicates vehicle speed in miles per hour (MPH) and kilometers per hour (km/h).
Odometer/twin trip odometer
Odometer/twin trip odometer
The odometer 1 and twin trip odometer 2 are displayed on the dot matrix liquid crystal display when the ignition switch is in the ON position. The odometer records the total distance the vehicle has been driven. The twin trip odometer records the distance of individual trips. Changing the display: Pushing the TRIP RESET switch 3 at the bottom left of the combination meter panel changes the display as follows: TRIP A ? TRIP B ? TRIP A Resetting the trip odometer: Pushing the TRIP RESET switch3 for more than 1 second resets the trip odometer to zero. Average fuel economy and distance to empty information is also available. (See “Dot matrix liquid crystal display” later in this section.)
Meters and gauges
1. Tachometer 2. Warning/Indicator lights 3. Speedometer 4. Engine coolant temperature gauge 5. Voltmeter 6. Dot matrix liquid crystal display/ Odometer/twin trip odometer 7. Engine oi ...Tachometer
The tachometer indicates engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). Do not rev the engine into the red zone 1 . CAUTION When engine speed approaches the red zone, shift to a higher gea ...See also:
ACC malfunction
If a fault occurs during operation of the system in cruise or follow modes, the
ACC system will switch off and cannot be used until the fault is cleared. The message
DRIVER INTERVENE appears brief ...
Using wheel chocks
Always chock the wheels using suitable wheel chocks. Place the chocks on both
sides of the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel to be changed.
If jacking the vehicle on a slight slope ...
Notes on the oil level
Depending on the driving style, the vehicle
consumes up to 0.9 US qts. (0.8 l) of oil over
a distance of 600 miles (1000 km). The oil
consumption may be higher than this when
the vehicle is new or ...