Cadillac Escalade: Lap Belt - Safety Belts - Seats and Restraints - Cadillac Escalade Owner's ManualCadillac Escalade: Lap Belt

This part is only for the lap belt. To learn how to wear a lap-shoulder belt, see Lap-Shoulder Belt  .

The vehicle may have a center seating position. When you sit in the center front seating position, you have a lap safety belt, which has no retractor.

To make the belt longer, tilt the latch plate and pull it along the belt.

To make the belt longer, tilt the latch plate and pull it along the belt.

Buckle, position and release it the same way as the lap part of a lap-shoulder belt.

To make the belt shorter, pull its free end as shown until the belt is snug.

To make the belt shorter, pull its free end as shown until the belt is snug.

If the belt is not long enough, see Safety Belt Extender  .

Make sure the release button on the buckle is positioned so you would be able to unbuckle the safety belt quickly if necessary.

If you find that the latch plate will not go fully into the buckle, see if you are using the correct buckle. Be sure that the latch plate clicks when inserted into the buckle.

    Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy
    Safety belts work for everyone, including pregnant women. Like all occupants, they are more likely to be seriously injured if they do not wear safety belts. A pregnant woman should wear a lap-shou ...

    Safety Belt Extender
    If the vehicle's safety belt will fasten around you, you should use it. But if a safety belt is not long enough, your dealer will order you an extender. When you go in to order it, take the heav ...

    See also:

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