Cadillac Escalade: Headlamp Aiming - Vehicle Care - Cadillac Escalade Owner's ManualCadillac Escalade: Headlamp Aiming

Glass Replacement
If the windshield or front side glass must be replaced, see your dealer to determine the correct replacement glass. ...

Headlamp Aiming
The vehicle has a visual optical headlamp aiming system. The aim of the headlamps have been preset at the factory and should need no further adjustment. However, if the vehicle is damaged in a crash ...

See also:

Safety Belt Use During Pregnancy
Safety belts work for everyone, including pregnant women. Like all occupants, they are more likely to be seriously injured if they do not wear safety belts. ► pregnant woman should wear a l ...

Engine Overheating
The vehicle has several indicators to warn of engine overheating. There is a coolant temperature gauge on your vehicle's instrument panel. See Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge  . In additi ...

Remote key fob transmitter locations
1. Cabin front transmitter. 2. Keyless start module. 3. Front exterior door handle transmitters. 4. Rear exterior door handle transmitters. 5. Cabin headlining transmitter. 6. Loadspace interio ...